Delayer Condoms

Because the best stories deserve more time... Dive beyond the clock with Delay Condoms!


13 Items Delayer Condoms

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  1. Durex Eternal Pleasure Condoms
  2. Freshness Delay Cream 40ml
  3. Eros Delay Spray 3X
  4. Pleasure Extender Amour
  5. Black Delay Spray
    Special Price £12.66 Regular Price £14.79
  6. Male delay spray for man
    Special Price £16.05 Regular Price £18.69
  7. Sensual Ecstasy Delay Gel
  8. Eros+ Delay Spray
  9. Endurpene Prolonging Cream
  10. Ironman Power Spray
    Special Price £13.51 Regular Price £17.91
  11. Eros Delay Gel 100

13 Items Delayer Condoms

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Welcome to the Delay Condoms section at Loviux, where time stretches and pleasure intensifies! If you're looking to add a little extra duration to your lovemaking or simply want to explore new sensations with your partner, you've come to the right place. Here at Loviux, we believe that a great show deserves a grand finale, and with our selection of delay condoms, we're committed to ensuring that you and your partner enjoy every act to the fullest.

Why Choose Delay Condoms?

Picture being able to control the pleasure clock, giving you the power to decide when the perfect moment is for the curtain to fall. Delay condoms are the best-kept secret for those who wish to prolong those intimate moments, turning an ordinary experience into a sensory odyssey.

Star Features of Our Delay Condoms

Our collection of delay condoms comes with rockstar-worthy features:

  • Safety and Comfort: Crafted with the finest materials, they ensure not only safety but also comfort, making sure that your only concern is how you'll handle all that extra time.
  • Extended Sensations: With a touch of magic, these condoms contain substances that help delay climax, allowing you to explore every corner of pleasure at your leisure.
  • Versatility: From stimulating textures to enveloping aromas, each option is designed to take your experience to a new level.

Discover Our Catalog

At Loviux, we firmly believe in the diversity of pleasure. That's why our delay condoms catalog is filled with options to satisfy all tastes and preferences. Do you like surprises? Then you'll love discovering the different textures and flavors we have to offer. Each product has been carefully selected to ensure not only a safe experience but also an unforgettable one.

How to Choose Your Perfect Ally?

We understand that choosing the ideal delay condom can seem daunting. But fear not, here at Loviux, we're here to help you navigate through this sea of options. Consider the following:

  • Texture: Looking for something to add extra stimulation? Explore our textured options.
  • Effect: Depending on sensitivity, some prefer softer effects, while others seek a more noticeable delay.
  • Compatibility: It's important to ensure that the product is compatible with any other toys or lubricants you plan to use.

A World of Possibilities

Delay condoms are just the beginning. Imagine combining them with our lubricants or erotic toys for an even more explosive experience. At Loviux, the limit is your imagination. And remember, the key is to explore, experiment, and enjoy the journey, no matter how long you decide it should last.

Why Loviux?

At Loviux, we don't just sell products; we create experiences. Our commitment is to your satisfaction and pleasure, offering only the highest quality products, with guaranteed discretion and customer service that is always ready to assist you on your journey to extended pleasure.

Get Ready for the Journey

So, if you're ready to transform your ordinary nights into extraordinary adventures, take a look at our selection of delay condoms. Explore, enjoy, and let Loviux be your guide on this journey to endless pleasure. The stage is set, and the show is about to begin!

Discover today how delay condoms can change the game! And remember, at Loviux, we're here to make every moment an extraordinary experience. It's time to stop watching the clock and start enjoying the moment!

Have you ever wondered how to extend those moments of pleasure and turn each encounter into a memorable experience? Welcome to the world of delay condoms from Loviux! Here, every second counts, and we're here to make sure you make the most of each one. But how is this magical prolongation of pleasure achieved? Join me on this discovery journey with a special Q&A section that will open the doors to a world of endless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions about Delay Condoms

How are these products used?

Using delay condoms is as simple as using any other condom, but with an extra touch of magic. Simply roll the condom onto the erect member, making sure it's properly positioned. The difference lies in the presence of a special lubricant inside, containing substances like benzocaine that help reduce sensitivity and, therefore, delay climax. It's like having a superpower in the palm of your hand, or rather, on your member.

What are they specifically used for?

These are not just condoms; they're VIP tickets to an all-night party. Delay condoms are specifically designed to prolong sexual pleasure, allowing those who use them to enjoy longer and more intense encounters. They're perfect for those moments when you want the journey to be as memorable as the final destination.

Are they safe to use?

Absolutely. Safety is our top priority at Loviux. Delay condoms are as safe as any other high-quality condom, as long as they're used according to instructions. Plus, they offer the same protection against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Consider these condoms as your protective shield, but with an extra touch of fun.

Can everyone use them?

Most people can enjoy the benefits of our delay condoms without issues. However, if you have sensitive skin or are allergic to benzocaine or other local anesthetics, we recommend conducting a sensitivity test before going all out. At Loviux, we want everyone to enjoy, but health and safety always come first.

How do I choose the perfect delay condom for me?

Ah, the million-dollar question! Choosing the perfect delay condom is like choosing the ideal outfit for that special date: you want something that makes you feel secure, comfortable, and, above all, allows you to fully enjoy. Consider factors like texture, thickness, and the presence of additional lubricants. And remember, at Loviux, we have such a wide selection that we're confident you'll find your perfect match.

Can they affect sensitivity?

The purpose of delay condoms is precisely that: to reduce sensitivity to prolong pleasure. However, this doesn't mean they diminish the excitement or enjoyment of the moment. Think of it as adjusting the volume of your favorite song to make it last longer without losing any of its essence.

How much longer can I last with a delay condom?

As every person is unique, the additional time you can enjoy varies from individual to individual. However, one thing is certain: you'll have more time to explore, experiment, and enjoy. Imagine being able to add those extra minutes you desire, turning a sprint into a pleasure marathon.

What if the effect is too strong for me?

In the rare event that you feel the delaying effect is stronger than expected, don't worry. Simply remove the condom and give your skin some time to let the effect decrease. Communication with your partner is also key; after all, pleasure is a journey best enjoyed together.

With these Q&A, we hope to have brought you closer to the fascinating world of delay condoms from Loviux. Remember, each experience is unique, and with the right products, the sky's the limit. So why not take the step today and turn the ordinary into extraordinary? Explore, enjoy, and let yourself be carried away by the magic of Loviux. Endless pleasure awaits.